
The design is very humane. Text interface supports verbs and nouns.


go - attempt to move somewhere

examine - take a closer look at an item

take - put item into your inventory

inventory - lists items in your inventory

use - attempt to find use for an item in the room

This my entry for Pirate Software - Game Jam 15

Works only on a computer at the moment and at 1920x1080. Seems that on big screens there appears some pesky blue box)   

The only way to restart is to refresh the page. Restart button coming soon!

This game is based on the unity tutorial. Check it out! 

Walkthrough take plant
take sprayer
go corridor
use sprayer
go stairs
use plant
go outside
Secret there is flat you can reach from the corridor.


Before it Fades - Design Document
Concept Doc 910 kB


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- the text area should auto-scroll so that I can see the latest messages without manually scrolling down

- some responses were written in non-English, no idea what they say

- I got a game over after 14 turns of trying to guess what to type and that felt pretty random: maybe somehow tell the player that they are on a timer

- After several game overs, I looked at the description and walkthrough and saw that my "get plant" was expected to be "take plant": most text adventures allow several different variations of an action so that people do not have to guess the right word for an action (or I should've just read your description first, hehe)

Disclaimer: These are just my opinions, so a lot of it is very subjective.

Well it does autoscroll... What kind of browser are you using?

Text in other languages is one of the mechanics. 

I tried again and it does in fact auto-scroll, as long as I don't manually scroll up to check something that was written earlier. When I type something after that, it only scrolls a bit down and not all the way.

Thank you for playing!

This game is enjoyable, if not a little complex.

There were many scenarios where I typed something that seemed logical, but didn't work. I don't know how the code works, but perhaps you you could make the script ignore words like 'the' or 'a'..?

Additionally, whenever I click the LMB, it would register as sending a message, which quickly flooded the screen.

Overall though, really cool atmosphere! I really felt nervous when playing lol

Yep there are these issues.
Thank you for pointing them out and taking time to play the game!