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- the text area should auto-scroll so that I can see the latest messages without manually scrolling down

- some responses were written in non-English, no idea what they say

- I got a game over after 14 turns of trying to guess what to type and that felt pretty random: maybe somehow tell the player that they are on a timer

- After several game overs, I looked at the description and walkthrough and saw that my "get plant" was expected to be "take plant": most text adventures allow several different variations of an action so that people do not have to guess the right word for an action (or I should've just read your description first, hehe)

Disclaimer: These are just my opinions, so a lot of it is very subjective.

Well it does autoscroll... What kind of browser are you using?

Text in other languages is one of the mechanics. 

I tried again and it does in fact auto-scroll, as long as I don't manually scroll up to check something that was written earlier. When I type something after that, it only scrolls a bit down and not all the way.

Thank you for playing!

This game is enjoyable, if not a little complex.

There were many scenarios where I typed something that seemed logical, but didn't work. I don't know how the code works, but perhaps you you could make the script ignore words like 'the' or 'a'..?

Additionally, whenever I click the LMB, it would register as sending a message, which quickly flooded the screen.

Overall though, really cool atmosphere! I really felt nervous when playing lol

Yep there are these issues.
Thank you for pointing them out and taking time to play the game!